Saturday, February 1, 2014

K Poems January 1 2014 Forward

I smoke weed, occasionally, and the occasion is when I have it.
You must love one another, look out for your brother.

Night turns into day.

Hay turns into horses.
Horses turn into night
and night turns into day.

January 2014 Poems

1st poem of 2014

I hope to never reach the summit
of my dreams. I want to always be
climbing the mountain of my desires.

How did a bologna sandwich come to be?

Some things are inscrutable
like God and heaven or hell.
Faith is believing in something
that you can’t define, not
killing other’s because they
don’t believe in your religion.

Because your altercation became my infection

Because each one of us was a bum.
Because we couldn't get out of bed in the morning.
Because we wouldn't go to bed until 6 a.m.
Because the government was out to get us.
Because we couldn't afford car insurance,
and didn't have a car anyway.
Because we didn’t have a job and didn’t want one.
It was time for Revolution.

Love Attracts

Joan hates crows. I think they are regal birds.
She says they are filthy. I find them fascinating.

I wanted to send my semen throughout her vagina, give her half of what she would need to create a little child for us. I wanted to be a Daddy and she wanted to be a Mommy, so we were trying this. We were trying this unprotected method leaving the condoms in the top bureau drawer. On top of the bureau was a bible. God was helping us have this baby, even though we wasn’t married, and would never marry. She was from Quebec and I was from Canada. We had met at the library. We both like to read.

I know that you are going to smile at strangers, today.

I know that you will let cars out in front of you, in the city
and on the highway.
I know that you have a Grateful Dead sticker on your van.
I know you don’t use up any plastic bags at the grocery store;
you bring your own canvass bags.
I know that once you find him, you’re going to love that one
man forever.
I know that your toothbrush is electric.

Our House

In this house, I am the monarch
ruler of all except for my queen
who sits in her throne next to mine
equal in all aspects of our love.

People need to come together, not kill one another.

I bet the house feels empty
when your loved one passes on.

Ascetic I am not

I hope to never reach the summit
of my dreams. I want to always be
climbing the mountain of my desires.

Running the show

Well, is it coming down off of your victory
for you to share some with someone else?
Why's it always got to be about you, and
how much you can accumulate when others
are stuck in a deep quagmire of non-accumulate.
How's it gonna be? How long you think that
you can keep running the show.


You can't beat the cop.
You can't beat the judge.
You can't beat the bail
You can't beat the charge.

I got unintentionally ripped.
I fell victim to their complete incompetence.

Will you meet me at the kissing booth

Will you let me be your friend?
Will you let me hold your books?
Will we grow up to be lovers?

I'm not referring to his.
I'm not referring to hers.
I'm not referring to me.
I'm not referring to you.
I'm not going to be questioned;
see this interview is over.
And a security force got
all the media out of the house.


I should have been a poet
back in Athens when Socrates
was running things.
I should have been a mechanic
sure would have helped when
my car broke down.
Should have been a priest
have an inside connection
to The Lord.
I should have cut my lawn
but I didn’t and now the grass
is as long as my hair.


Was his kiss Neolithic
producing no fecundity
no chance of a gravid belly?
Did you send him back
to his cave to paint pictures
of you on the wall with
the blood and fat of dead animals?
Is your love ephemeral or is it infinite?
Could a shaman decide for you
what you can’t decide for yourself?

What’s your bag?

God, Nirvana, Brahman, Dao, or Allah?
Do you drive a Chevy or a Ford?

The day doesn't mirror all experiences

Someone will lose a father, today.
Someone will lose a mother, today.
Someone will lose a lover, today.
The sun will have shone all day.
It was a beautiful day except for
someone's loss.

The way of life

When you’re gone not much changes.
The sun still rises. The sun still sets.
The moon is full at times, covered by
clouds at others. Those close to you
will shed a tear, but they will move on
without you, because that is the way of life.

Is love ephemeral or is it infinite?

Will it last forever, or just for a minute?
Will it take your breath away,
or kick you in the teeth?
When you go for it, will it be out of your reach?
Should you stay in your cocoon
for if you leave it too soon you will get hurt?
Is love a rainbow or just a pile of dirt?
Can you answer these questions with the mind alone,
or do you have to fall in love to find out what it’s all about.

The way it works I think

is that you are alive
one second and dead the next.
The martini that you were
sipping on still sits there on
the table by the chair
where you had your heart attack
for your wife or child or roommate
to find and dispose of. Your dog and
your cat still need to be fed.
The bills still need to be paid
if someone is going to keep living
in the dwelling in which you passed.
Everything is still the same, except for you.

Resplendent in my nothingness

my heart attack will be equal to
the liver in your cancer though
you were a King and I cleaned
the toilets in your castle.

What does God think about man
eating meat without quoting the bible?

Is there any sympathy
that animals die for our sins?
I have none as I dip links of pig
in mustard this morning. Should
I offer up a prayer of thanks to
the animal, beat up on myself
that I didn’t have lettuce for breakfast?
Is there a balance I can strike
if I can’t quit critters?
Is getting off meat like quitting cigarettes
which I have successfully done
after twenty years of huffing a pack a day?
Is it necessary? Does it matter?

You can twiver, can’t you?

I’m not anybody important.
You shouldn’t look up to me.
Model citizen.
In world of twivering government.
You can twiver, can’t you?

Cactch  a drift

Get a wiff, you’ll
never go back to
what you were
In world of twivering government.
You can twiver, can’t you?

I talk.

The dog gets hungry.
I go in the kitchen
he follows me; he is
hungry. Out from
my office next, he
meets me in the kitchen.
He is hungry.
I leave.
He is hungary.
I come home.
He is hungry.
It rains.
He is hungry.
Sunny out.
He is hungry.

The point of view of a turtle: sometimes, he flinches
when I stand over them. I wonder what he sees
looking up at me from down there?

Then what?

There are people who could have been actors
but never tried, or even thought of it.
There are actors who can’t act. There are lovers
who can’t love. There is you and there is me.
And there is this moment. Then what?

I'm going to make up a packet,
and if you want, I am going to
put one on your front door.

These days

A baby in my arms
not a bottle.

Middle Ground

I’m not an idiot.
I’m not an imbecile
I am somewhere
between the two.

The Process

We’re not here to please you.
We’re not here to choose you.
But choose you we must.
You don’t please us.
You just do what you want to do.

Infinite greed

If random helplessness meets infinite greed
then what do we have?

Back to the cemetery even

I’m willing to scream.
I’m willing to jump back
into the unknown.
I’m willing to start over.
Again and again. Until.
I get it right.

Running down all of the angels

finally caught up they all looked like strangers.
I wasn’t sure if I was in Heaven or Hell
and I don’t believe in purgatory.
Can of noodles with tomato sauce
or a five star meal cooked by a smiling Chef
beat up Chevrolet or a brand new Mercedes.
I’ve lived one and all and they are all the same.
Will there ever be snow again in Atlanta?
Will a woman ever break my heart again?
Does a caterpillar always find its way into
being a butterfly?

In the now

I'm not sure I'm getting anything done
but I'm sure having fun. There's really
no rules and regulations once you learn
how to play the game.
What are you looking for a heart attack
cancer? I don't think that is the answer.
I've been near straight A. I've been so
stoned my troubles wouldn't go away.
I am blessed to be experiencing this day.

Face slapped

I slip away.
I fade away.
I fuck off
because you
said you didn't
love me.

We named our cat Krishna, and was very disappointed
when he grew to have violent tendencies within the house,
which is, simply, not acceptable.

First Date Perhaps

You spend most of your time
trying to get lucky. Don’t you
realize nothing happens unless
you’ve got the bucky. She wants
to get stoned. You don’t want
to go to bed alone. Whose needs
will be met. You’re trying to
resolve this over the telephone.

So kiss me warm

when it's cold,
and cool me off
with your lips
when it is hot outside.

Kiss me keep me young.
Kiss me kiss me with that tongue.
Pete Seeger will sing no more.
He had a good run.

Much of the snow is gone

like my memory. Like love
unrequited. I don't mean
to bore you, but I think
I'm going to cry.

The dogs are frisky wanting
to be fed breakfast an hour
earlier than feeding time.
In lieu of food they want to
play: 2 hands 3 dogs. I try
to keep the two who bark
from barking as my love is
still asleep.

Who will die first, Mick or Keith;
Ringo or Paul? You or me?
When will the last snow flake melt?
When will the last leave fall off of the trees?
Will there ever be the last war
the last man or woman killed in the name
of religion or a buck, or two?

I can only do what I can do

This is me in my garden.
Watch it grow.
This is me in my kitchen
see what I know: how to
fix egg burritos with beans.
This is me in my car
dependent on the oil companies
for my gas. They can kiss my ass.
This is me watching politicians
on tv. I turn the tv off, no use
ruining my day watching those
scum sucking pigs.

K Poems January 1 2014 Forward

I smoke weed, occasionally, and the occasion is when I have it.
You must love one another, look out for your brother.

Night turns into day.

Hay turns into horses.
Horses turn into night
and night turns into day.

January 2014 Poems

1st poem of 2014

I hope to never reach the summit
of my dreams. I want to always be
climbing the mountain of my desires.

How did a bologna sandwich come to be?

Some things are inscrutable
like God and heaven or hell.
Faith is believing in something
that you can’t define, not
killing other’s because they
don’t believe in your religion.

Because your altercation became my infection

Because each one of us was a bum.
Because we couldn't get out of bed in the morning.
Because we wouldn't go to bed until 6 a.m.
Because the government was out to get us.
Because we couldn't afford car insurance,
and didn't have a car anyway.
Because we didn’t have a job and didn’t want one.
It was time for Revolution.

Love Attracts

Joan hates crows. I think they are regal birds.
She says they are filthy. I find them fascinating.

I wanted to send my semen throughout her vagina, give her half of what she would need to create a little child for us. I wanted to be a Daddy and she wanted to be a Mommy, so we were trying this. We were trying this unprotected method leaving the condoms in the top bureau drawer. On top of the bureau was a bible. God was helping us have this baby, even though we wasn’t married, and would never marry. She was from Quebec and I was from Canada. We had met at the library. We both like to read.

I know that you are going to smile at strangers, today.

I know that you will let cars out in front of you, in the city
and on the highway.
I know that you have a Grateful Dead sticker on your van.
I know you don’t use up any plastic bags at the grocery store;
you bring your own canvass bags.
I know that once you find him, you’re going to love that one
man forever.
I know that your toothbrush is electric.

Our House

In this house, I am the monarch
ruler of all except for my queen
who sits in her throne next to mine
equal in all aspects of our love.

People need to come together, not kill one another.

I bet the house feels empty
when your loved one passes on.

Ascetic I am not

I hope to never reach the summit
of my dreams. I want to always be
climbing the mountain of my desires.

Running the show

Well, is it coming down off of your victory
for you to share some with someone else?
Why's it always got to be about you, and
how much you can accumulate when others
are stuck in a deep quagmire of non-accumulate.
How's it gonna be? How long you think that
you can keep running the show.


You can't beat the cop.
You can't beat the judge.
You can't beat the bail
You can't beat the charge.

I got unintentionally ripped.
I fell victim to their complete incompetence.

Will you meet me at the kissing booth

Will you let me be your friend?
Will you let me hold your books?
Will we grow up to be lovers?

I'm not referring to his.
I'm not referring to hers.
I'm not referring to me.
I'm not referring to you.
I'm not going to be questioned;
see this interview is over.
And a security force got
all the media out of the house.


I should have been a poet
back in Athens when Socrates
was running things.
I should have been a mechanic
sure would have helped when
my car broke down.
Should have been a priest
have an inside connection
to The Lord.
I should have cut my lawn
but I didn’t and now the grass
is as long as my hair.


Was his kiss Neolithic
producing no fecundity
no chance of a gravid belly?
Did you send him back
to his cave to paint pictures
of you on the wall with
the blood and fat of dead animals?
Is your love ephemeral or is it infinite?
Could a shaman decide for you
what you can’t decide for yourself?

What’s your bag?

God, Nirvana, Brahman, Dao, or Allah?
Do you drive a Chevy or a Ford?

The day doesn't mirror all experiences

Someone will lose a father, today.
Someone will lose a mother, today.
Someone will lose a lover, today.
The sun will have shone all day.
It was a beautiful day except for
someone's loss.

The way of life

When you’re gone not much changes.
The sun still rises. The sun still sets.
The moon is full at times, covered by
clouds at others. Those close to you
will shed a tear, but they will move on
without you, because that is the way of life.

Is love ephemeral or is it infinite?

Will it last forever, or just for a minute?
Will it take your breath away,
or kick you in the teeth?
When you go for it, will it be out of your reach?
Should you stay in your cocoon
for if you leave it too soon you will get hurt?
Is love a rainbow or just a pile of dirt?
Can you answer these questions with the mind alone,
or do you have to fall in love to find out what it’s all about.

The way it works I think

is that you are alive
one second and dead the next.
The martini that you were
sipping on still sits there on
the table by the chair
where you had your heart attack
for your wife or child or roommate
to find and dispose of. Your dog and
your cat still need to be fed.
The bills still need to be paid
if someone is going to keep living
in the dwelling in which you passed.
Everything is still the same, except for you.

Resplendent in my nothingness

my heart attack will be equal to
the liver in your cancer though
you were a King and I cleaned
the toilets in your castle.

What does God think about man
eating meat without quoting the bible?

Is there any sympathy
that animals die for our sins?
I have none as I dip links of pig
in mustard this morning. Should
I offer up a prayer of thanks to
the animal, beat up on myself
that I didn’t have lettuce for breakfast?
Is there a balance I can strike
if I can’t quit critters?
Is getting off meat like quitting cigarettes
which I have successfully done
after twenty years of huffing a pack a day?
Is it necessary? Does it matter?

You can twiver, can’t you?

I’m not anybody important.
You shouldn’t look up to me.
Model citizen.
In world of twivering government.
You can twiver, can’t you?

Cactch  a drift

Get a wiff, you’ll
never go back to
what you were
In world of twivering government.
You can twiver, can’t you?

I talk.

The dog gets hungry.
I go in the kitchen
he follows me; he is
hungry. Out from
my office next, he
meets me in the kitchen.
He is hungry.
I leave.
He is hungary.
I come home.
He is hungry.
It rains.
He is hungry.
Sunny out.
He is hungry.

The point of view of a turtle: sometimes, he flinches
when I stand over them. I wonder what he sees
looking up at me from down there?

Then what?

There are people who could have been actors
but never tried, or even thought of it.
There are actors who can’t act. There are lovers
who can’t love. There is you and there is me.
And there is this moment. Then what?

I'm going to make up a packet,
and if you want, I am going to
put one on your front door.

These days

A baby in my arms
not a bottle.

Middle Ground

I’m not an idiot.
I’m not an imbecile
I am somewhere
between the two.

The Process

We’re not here to please you.
We’re not here to choose you.
But choose you we must.
You don’t please us.
You just do what you want to do.

Infinite greed

If random helplessness meets infinite greed
then what do we have?

Back to the cemetery even

I’m willing to scream.
I’m willing to jump back
into the unknown.
I’m willing to start over.
Again and again. Until.
I get it right.

Running down all of the angels

finally caught up they all looked like strangers.
I wasn’t sure if I was in Heaven or Hell
and I don’t believe in purgatory.
Can of noodles with tomato sauce
or a five star meal cooked by a smiling Chef
beat up Chevrolet or a brand new Mercedes.
I’ve lived one and all and they are all the same.
Will there ever be snow again in Atlanta?
Will a woman ever break my heart again?
Does a caterpillar always find its way into
being a butterfly?

In the now

I'm not sure I'm getting anything done
but I'm sure having fun. There's really
no rules and regulations once you learn
how to play the game.
What are you looking for a heart attack
cancer? I don't think that is the answer.
I've been near straight A. I've been so
stoned my troubles wouldn't go away.
I am blessed to be experiencing this day.

Face slapped

I slip away.
I fade away.
I fuck off
because you
said you didn't
love me.

We named our cat Krishna, and was very disappointed
when he grew to have violent tendencies within the house,
which is, simply, not acceptable.

First Date Perhaps

You spend most of your time
trying to get lucky. Don’t you
realize nothing happens unless
you’ve got the bucky. She wants
to get stoned. You don’t want
to go to bed alone. Whose needs
will be met. You’re trying to
resolve this over the telephone.

So kiss me warm

when it's cold,
and cool me off
with your lips
when it is hot outside.

Kiss me keep me young.
Kiss me kiss me with that tongue.
Pete Seeger will sing no more.
He had a good run.

Much of the snow is gone

like my memory. Like love
unrequited. I don't mean
to bore you, but I think
I'm going to cry.

The dogs are frisky wanting
to be fed breakfast an hour
earlier than feeding time.
In lieu of food they want to
play: 2 hands 3 dogs. I try
to keep the two who bark
from barking as my love is
still asleep.

Who will die first, Mick or Keith;
Ringo or Paul? You or me?
When will the last snow flake melt?
When will the last leave fall off of the trees?
Will there ever be the last war
the last man or woman killed in the name
of religion or a buck, or two?

I can only do what I can do

This is me in my garden.
Watch it grow.
This is me in my kitchen
see what I know: how to
fix egg burritos with beans.
This is me in my car
dependent on the oil companies
for my gas. They can kiss my ass.
This is me watching politicians
on tv. I turn the tv off, no use
ruining my day watching those
scum sucking pigs.